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Was kostet das?

How much
does it cost?

the treatment

the costs

So that you know beforehand what it will cost afterwards, we disclose all predictable costs before the start of treatment.

Treatment costs with
private health insurance

Prior to treatment, a treatment and cost plan is prepared, which shows the costs.

The private health insurers do not have to be presented with the plan for approval after you have signed it, only for their information.

In doing so, you have the right to request a legally binding cost coverage­statement from your insurance company within the scope of the respective insurance contract.

There is no general exclusion of special treatment devices.

In the case of private health insurance, it ultimately depends on the contract which costs are reimbursed. Of course, we will be happy to advise you on this.

Treatment costs with
statutory health insurance

Prior to treatment, a treatment and cost plan is prepared showing the costs and the amount of subsidies. The plan must be submitted to statutory health insurance companies for approval before treatment. We take over this task for you.

The therapy of a malpositioned tooth or jaw is not always subsidized by the statutory health insurance. The costs are only covered from a certain degree of severity of the findings.
If the findings are classified in an appropriate severity level, treatment is already subsidized from the age of 4.
The main group of patients are children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 years.
In the case of adults (from the age of 18), statutory health insurance only covers treatments that require combined orthodontic and maxillofacial surgery.

If the statutory health insurance does not cover the cost of treatment, we will work with you to find a suitable solution. Part of this solution can be, for example, in addition to an interest-free installment payment in our practice, the possibility of arranging a payment of up to 72 months through a billing company.

If there is a finding that is subsidized by the statutory health insurance, we can bill the statutory health insurance directly for 80% of the services.
The remaining 20% is the statutory co-payment, which you must initially pay yourself.
This co-payment is reimbursed by the health insurance company after successful completion of the therapy.

Additional services that are not included in the list of services provided by the statutory health insurance funds or that go beyond the scope of the statutory health insurance fund must be paid for by you.
These are, for example, certain therapy variants, bracket environment sealing, adhesive retainers or the use of special brackets and wires. The lingual technique and the use of aligner trays also belong to this category.
Here, however, there is the possibility to agree on an interest-free and cost-free installment payment.